VOLCANO: Propose joint GMPV / VGP sessions at AGU Fall Meeting 2013: deadline 19th April

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Propose joint GMPV / VGP sessions at AGU Fall Meeting 2013: deadline 19th April
From: "Mike Burton" <burton@xxxxxxxxxx>

Dear Colleagues,


                    I’d like to highlight the possibility to propose joint EGU / AGU sessions, through collaboration between the EGU GMPV (Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology and Volcanology) division and AGU VGP (Volcanology Geochemistry and Petrology) section at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, December 2013. The purpose of the joint sessions is to promote collaboration and exchange of ideas between AGU and EGU scientists. As such, conveners of joint sessions should represent both EGU and AGU communities. Joint GMPV/VGP sessions will receive additional publicity in newsletters.


Session proposals can be submitted here:




Importantly, in order to be considered as a joint session the conveners must also send an email to both Catherine McCammon, AGU VGP president catherine.mccammon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, and Nick Arndt, EGU GMPV president Nicholas.Arndt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, indicating the title, the conveners (from both EGU and AGU), and a brief explanation of why the GMPV/VGP joint session status is appropriate. For example, this could be a reference to previous sessions that had been run successfully at both meetings, or the need to support areas that are weak in one or the other.


Best regards,


Mike Burton

GMPV Volcanology Secretary


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