Goldschmidt 2013 - Session 8e: Glasses, Melts and Fluids as Tools for the Understanding of Volcanic Processes and Hazards
From: Claudia Cannatelli <claudiac@xxxxxx>
We would like to encourage
you to submit an abstract for the following session at the Goldschmidt 2013
Conference (Florence, Italy, August 25-30th):
Session 8e: Glasses, Melts and Fluids as Tools for
the Understanding of Volcanic Processes and Hazards
Conveners: Nicole Metrich, Roberto Moretti,
Claudia Cannatelli, Rosario Esposito
We would like to bring to your attention that the
American Mineralogist has granted us a Special Section with the title “Glasses,
Melts and Fluids as Tools for the Understanding of Volcanic Processes and
Hazards”. All presentations, oral and poster, will be eligible for paper
Session abstract
Magma reservoir depths, crystallization,
degassing, magma mixing, diffusive phenomena are of primary importance for the
pre-eruptive and syn-eruptive evolution of magmas and the assessment of
volcanic hazard. Fluid and melt inclusions, along with volcanic glasses, are
best repositories to study and track the occurrence of such processes from deep
magma storage up to final extrusion. This session will bring together studies
on natural systems, experimental activities and thermodynamic modeling, aimed
at advancing our understanding of important issues in petrology and chemical
volcanology, such as (i) equilibrium vs disequilibrium degassing processes,
(ii) the interplay of magma degassing (including fluid infiltration) and
crystallization; (iii) the timing of magmatic processes, (iv) the redox
response of magmas in pre-eruptive and syn-eruptive processes (v) the link
between glass chemical inhomogeneities and magma properties. This session aims
to bring together researchers involved in the application of fluid and melt
inclusions for the assessment of hazard in different volcanic environments.
Contributions about trace elements and isotope investigations in volcanic
glasses and melt/fluid inclusions and their use for tracking the main magmatic
processes are particularly welcome.
Keynote Speaker: Glenn Gaetani (Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution, USA)
Invited speakers: Maria Luce Frezzotti (University
of Milan, Italy), Jacob Hanley (Saint Mary's University, Canada)
Abstract submission is open now and will end on
April 12th, 2013 at 23:59 GMT.
We look forward to seeing you in Florence!
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
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