IAVCEI 2013 workshop W06: benchmarking volcanic mass flow models
From: Charbonnier, Sylvain <sylvain@xxxxxxx>
IAVCEI 2013 related workshop W06: ‘A collaborative effort to promote inter-comparison for numerical models of volcanic mass flows’
Accurate prediction of the behavior of volcanic mass flows (lava flows, pyroclastic density currents, debris avalanches and debris flows) is necessary for hazard and risk assessment, and for design of risk mitigation measures. A selection of numerical computer-based models capable of approximating the motion of a given volume of volcanic material from its source to the deposition area is now available. As the models begin to mature, it is useful to compare the various models with each other. A benchmark is a comparison of models aimed at simulating the same physical process upon common initial and boundary conditions and outputs, but using different physical formulations, mathematical approaches and numerical techniques. It is an effective way for the community to assess the available tools and to highlight the needs and directions for future development.
In conjunction with the IAVCEI 2013 Scientific Assembly and the Vhub related workshop to be held in Kagoshima (Japan) next July, and following the approach of inter-comparison projects for volcanic ash dispersal and atmospheric models, and the 2007 Hong Kong Landslide Runout Analysis Benchmarking Exercise, we propose a one-day workshop on Friday, July 26th from 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. focusing on ‘a collaborative effort to promote inter-comparison for numerical models of volcanic mass flows’. The workshop program will include:
1) a general morning session with a brief introduction/presentation of the general ideas/goals of this collaborative effort as well as some examples of recent inter-comparisons (validations/benchmarks) of various numerical models of volcanic mass flows, mainly focusing on pyroclastic density currents and lava flows.
2) a two-hour group session in the afternoon with open discussions on how to establish the set of benchmark outputs for each specific volcanic mass flow, and on defining future outcomes and milestones for this collaborative effort.
3) a general wrap-up and conclusions of the group session with a summary of the next steps to move forward with the benchmarking.
All information about the workshop can be found on the IAVCEI 2013 website at http://www.iavcei2013.com/related_meetings/related_meetings.html#W06. Participants of the workshop are also highly encourage to join the new Vhub group about ‘benchmarking volcanic mass flow models’ at https://vhub.org/groups/benchmarking_models to get updates and related documentation about this collaborative effort.
Registration is free but must be completed by May 1st. To register, please e-mail Sylvain Charbonnier (sylvain@xxxxxxx) or Benoit Cordonnier (benoit.cordonnier@xxxxxxxxxxxx) with your full name and affiliation.
We warmly welcome and encourage ALL model developers and users, field volcanologists and experts in analog/laboratory experiments interested in providing constraints on the outputs of this collaborative benchmark to join the workshop!
Sylvain Charbonnier (University of South Florida)
Benoit Cordonnier (University of California Berkeley/ETH Zurich)
Greg Valentine (SUNY at Buffalo)
Domenico Doronzo (SUNY at Buffalo)
Tomaso Esposti-Ongaro (INGV Pisa)
Einat Lev (Columbia University)
Fanny Garel (Imperial College London)
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