STRATI2013: session "Volcanic Stratigraphy"
From: Gianluca Groppelli <gianluca.groppelli@xxxxxxxx>
Dear Colleagues
We invite submission of abstracts for the
session titled "Volcanic Stratigraphy" (n. 21) within 1st
International Congress on Stratigraphy (STRATI 2013), to be held in
Lisbon, 3-5 July 2013 (
The stratigraphic approach to the volcanological topics is rapidly changing with strong improvements of the results, now based on solid bases. The stratigraphic record represents the warehouse where to store all the geological data on past eruptions and interruptive phenomena with significant implications for volcanic hazard assessment, physical volcanology and eruptive dynamics, petrographic, geochemical and petrological studies, and geophysical models. Finally, the stratigraphic succession together with radiometric data can determine the main steps of evolution of a volcanic area and constraints for further and more detailed studies.
We expect abstracts aimed to all the fields of the stratigraphy and its applications at different scale, from mapping volcanic areas to logging detailed stratigraphic sections to reconstruct physical volcanology and eruptive dynamic of a single eruption or the practice of the stratigraphy as a constraints and/or base for volcanological studies.
The stratigraphic approach to the volcanological topics is rapidly changing with strong improvements of the results, now based on solid bases. The stratigraphic record represents the warehouse where to store all the geological data on past eruptions and interruptive phenomena with significant implications for volcanic hazard assessment, physical volcanology and eruptive dynamics, petrographic, geochemical and petrological studies, and geophysical models. Finally, the stratigraphic succession together with radiometric data can determine the main steps of evolution of a volcanic area and constraints for further and more detailed studies.
We expect abstracts aimed to all the fields of the stratigraphy and its applications at different scale, from mapping volcanic areas to logging detailed stratigraphic sections to reconstruct physical volcanology and eruptive dynamic of a single eruption or the practice of the stratigraphy as a constraints and/or base for volcanological studies.
Unfortunately the deadline is approaching
(17th March), so we ask to submit the abstracts asap. If you need more
time, please contact us.
This congress follows the decision to
internationalize the conferences previously organized by the French
Committee of Stratigraphy (STRATI), the last one of which was held in
Paris in 2010. Thus, the congress possesses both the momentum gained
from an established conference event and the excitement of being the
first International Congress on Stratigraphy. It is being held under
the auspices of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (IUGS),
and it is envisaged that this first congress will lead to others being
held in the future.
Please pass this information on to colleagues and students working in these fields.
We apologize for any multiple posting and look forward to meet you in Lisbon.
Feel free to contact us
Best wishes
Gianluca Groppelli and Joan Martì
Convenors of the "Volcanic Stratigraphy" session
Please pass this information on to colleagues and students working in these fields.
We apologize for any multiple posting and look forward to meet you in Lisbon.
Feel free to contact us
Best wishes
Gianluca Groppelli and Joan Martì
Convenors of the "Volcanic Stratigraphy" session
Gianluca Groppelli
C.N.R. - Istituto per la Dinamica dei Processi Ambientali - sez. di Milano
c/o Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Via Mangiagalli 34
20133 MILANO
tel. 39-0250315532
fax 39-0250315494
Cellulare 388 9999492
Skype: groppy67
E-mail: gianluca.groppelli@xxxxxxxx o gianluca.groppelli@xxxxxx
Gianluca Groppelli
C.N.R. - Istituto per la Dinamica dei Processi Ambientali - sez. di Milano
c/o Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Via Mangiagalli 34
20133 MILANO
tel. 39-0250315532
fax 39-0250315494
Cellulare 388 9999492
Skype: groppy67
E-mail: gianluca.groppelli@xxxxxxxx o gianluca.groppelli@xxxxxx
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