Call dor 1 PhD Position at University of Naples Federico II, Italy
From: "Benedetto De Vivo" <bdevivo@xxxxxxxx>
1 Open PhD position (28th Cycle) - reserved to not resident in Italy, with a foreign Degree - at the Department of Earth, Environment and Natural Resources Sciences (Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell’Ambiente e delle Risorse), Università di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy, starting from April 2013
Title of the PhD programme: Internal dynamics of volcanic systems and hydrogeological-environmental risks. Supervisor: Prof. Benedetto De Vivo
The PhD Candidate will be selected to develop a research programme preferably on 1) Environmental pollution and risk assessment. Alternatively will be evaluated as well candidates for 2) Study of active volcanoes internal dynamics using fluid and melt inclusions.
1 - The environmental research will involve geochemical studies from continental to local scale by means of different sampling media (water, soil, crops, human hair) aimed at developing the appropriate framework of tools and knowledge needed for the integration of individual exposure information (human exposome) and health data to assess environment-health relationships and risk management. The programme advocates the development of prototype platform, whose core is an integrated spatial health data infrastructure, to improve the contemporaneous monitoring (GIS-based methodologies) of both environmental and health status in Campania Region (Italy).
2 - The fluid and melt inclusion research will require extensive lab work (EMPA, SIMS, LA-ICP-MS, FTIR, Raman) at University of Naples, in collaboration with high-level foreign research Institutions, on Italian or foreign volcanoes.
- Degree (either Master, or 4 years-based Bachelor) in Geosciences and/or Environmental Sciences.
- Solid base of knowledge in the fields of geochemistry, statistical and geo-spatial data analysis.
- Good attitude toward collaborative work.
- Good written and spoken English skills.
Employment conditions
- Three-year PhD scholarship, with a net monthly salary from University of Napoli Federico II of 1100 € (after taxes). An additional budget (50% increase of the salary) will be available for periods spent in foreign Institutions (up to 18 months).
- Guaranteed funding for research and training activities (including travels, use of in-house and external analytical facilities, attendance to conferences).
- Candidates should apply by March 8th, 2013. Application procedures can be found on
- An examination (interview) will take place by teleconference on March 28th, 2013, for the selection of the candidates.
Useful links
University of Naples Federico II:
Dept. of Earth, Environment and Natural Resources Sciences: (within 10 days will be:
Web Site Prof. B. De Vivo.
Please, do not hesitate to contact Prof. B. De Vivo for any additional information you may need.
Benedetto De Vivo: benedetto.devivo@xxxxxxxx
Benedetto De Vivo
Prof. Ordinario di Geochimica Ambientale
Università di Napoli Federico II
DISTAR-Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell'Ambiente e delle Risorse
Via Mezzocannone 8, 80134 Napoli, Italy
Tel. +39-081.2535065; Fax +39-081.2535061
email: bdevivo@xxxxxxxx; Web:
Adjunct Prof. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA
Chief Editor of Journal of Geochemical Exploration
Associate Editor of American Mineralogist
Associate Editor of Mineralogy and Petrology
Southern Europe Councillor of the Association of Applied Geochemists
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