Final reminder: IAVCEI 2013 Session 4.9b:"Data science/Informatics and data assimilation in geosciences"
From: Adelina Geyer Traver <ageyertraver@xxxxxxxxx>
Dear Colleague,
We would like to encourage you to contribute with a presentation to the session on "Data science/Informatics and data assimilation in geosciences" (4.9b) at the IAVCEI 2013 Scientific Assembly , 20-24 July 2013 ( .
We would like to encourage you to contribute with a presentation to the session on "Data science/Informatics and data assimilation in geosciences" (4.9b) at the IAVCEI 2013 Scientific Assembly , 20-24 July 2013 ( .
Deadline for receipt of abstracts is 31 January 2013.
The conveners are Adelina Geyer (CSIC, Spain) and Mark Bursik (University at Buffalo, USA)
A description of the session is provided below.
Please pass this information on to colleagues and students working in this field.
We apologize for any multiple posting and look forward to meet you in Kagoshima.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Adelina Geyer
Mark Bursik
Data science/Informatics and data assimilation in geosciences
the last decades, Geosciences and Science in general, has fully entered
a new mode of operation. Data science (including e-science) defined as a
combination of science, informatics, computer science, cyber
infrastructure and information technology is changing the way all
geoscience disciplines do both their individual and collaborative work.
EGU scientists are facing global problems of a magnitude, complexity and
interdisciplinary nature that progress is limited by available
knowledge and skills that are required to solve these problems. At the
heart of this new way of doing science, especially experimental and
observational science but also increasingly computational science, is
the generation of data. In front of the great amount of generated data
several questions arise. How and where is this data stored? Does
effective data exchange exists between scientists? Are the existing data
sets available and accessible for the scientific community? It is
evident that data supporting published research must be accessible.
However, this is not always the case. A streamlined way of ensuring that
data are made accessible, and in user-friendly formats, is sorely
missing. As a result, evasion strategies and excuses for keeping data in
closed, local archives increase. It is clear that the community of
Earth and planetary scientists needs to develop a set of clear
guidelines that detail the types and extent of project- or
publication-related data that should be accessible. Besides, accessible
storage of scientific data is usually mandated, but not often achieved.
The task needs people who are interested in information technology and
regard it as their primary focus. The goal of this session is to assess
the current state of data storage and exchange and indicate successful
progress made to date and the challenges that presently exist. The
session will also highlight the progress and perspectives in data
assimilation studies in various fields of geosciences.
Dr. Adelina Geyer Traver
Institute of Earth Sciences "Jaume Almera" (CSIC)
C/Lluis Solé i Sabaris s/n
08028 Barcelona
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