IAVCEI 2013: Linking petrology, rheology, and numerical modelling. Session 2-6a
From: "Wright, Heather" <hwright@xxxxxxxx>
Please consider submitting an abstract to our session at the upcoming IAVCEI meeting in Japan, July 20-24, 2013.
The deadline for abstract submission is January 31st: http://www.iavcei2013.com/abstract_submission/abstract_submission.html
Heather Wright* (hwright@xxxxxxxx), Caroline Bouvet, Luca Caricchi, Michael Dungan, Ed Llewellyn, Takahiro Miwa, Jacopo Taddeucci
Petrologic characterization of volcanic samples has been shown to track changes in eruption dynamics. This characterization is achievable over timescales shorter than the duration of the eruption itself. Furthermore, recent advances in our understanding of magma rheology provide models that permit calculation of the physical properties of magmas in multi-parameter space. Incorporation of petrologic information and associated rheology into models of volcanic processes ultimately allows predictive inferences to be made on the evolution of on-going eruptions. In this session, we welcome examples of the use of petrology for the monitoring of recent eruptions or for the study of eruptive deposits, and contributions that focus on development of models of physical behavior of magmas that can be used to understand eruption evolution.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Dr. Heather Wright
Volcano Science Center, USGS
MS 910, 345 Middlefield Rd
Menlo Park, CA 94025
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