IAVCEI 2013 session: volcanic forecasting from combined petrological and timescale information
From: Heather Handley <heather.handley@xxxxxxxxx>
Dear All,
Happy New Year! We would like to draw your attention to the following magmatic processes IAVCEI session (1-6):
Insights into magma chamber processes and volcanic forecasting from combined petrological and timescale information
The materials erupted from active volcanoes are the result of a complex mixture of processes that take place where magmas are formed and in the conduit systems that link their sources to the surface. Of particular importance is the interaction of rising magma with middle and upper crust. Even the very uppermost part of the conduit system is an environment in which major petrological changes occur immediately prior to and during eruptions. In addition, the timescales of magmatic processes in the crust range over several orders of magnitude: from days or less for degassing and magma mixing/mingling to potentially hundreds of thousands of years for cooling and crystallisation of a magma body. Investigating the links between evolving magma compositions, volatile exsolution, and the style and timing of volcanic eruptions requires precise chronology for some of the shortest geological timescales. Recent work on a variety of volcanic systems has shown that eruption style and process can be predicted using recognisable, key geochemical and mineralogical features. This session aims to bring together volcanologists, petrologists, geochemists and geophysicists that have made recent advances in linking the behaviour of magmatic systems to eruptions and the use of these to develop short and long-term forecasting tools. We particularly, welcome contributions on the petrology and timing of degassing (bubble growth, gas segregation and ascent) and differentiation (crystallisation, recharge and assimilation) of magmas in the crust.
The abstract deadline is 31st Jan 2013
Best wishes,
Heather Handley, Ian E.M. Smith, Shane Cronin, Simon Turner and Richard Price
Dr. Heather Handley
ARC Future Fellow and Senior Lecturer
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Tel: +61 (0)2 9850 4403
email: heather.handley@xxxxxxxxx
web: www.heatherhandley.com
ARC Future Fellow and Senior Lecturer
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Tel: +61 (0)2 9850 4403
email: heather.handley@xxxxxxxxx
web: www.heatherhandley.com
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