2013 Meeting of the Americas, session V08. "Volcano-ice interactions in the Cordilleras of the Americas"
From: Hugh Tuffen <h.tuffen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear colleagues,
You are warmly invited to contribute to the following session at the
2013 AGU Meeting of the Americas in Cancun (Mexico), 14-17 May, 2013,
which is supported by the IAVCEI/IACS Joint Commission on Volcano-Ice
Interactions <http://volcanoes.dickinson.edu/iavcei_iacs_viic/index.html>:
V08: Volcano-ice interactions in the Cordilleras of the Americas
Volcano-ice interaction processes in the Cordilleran region are very complex and comprise climate change positive feedback, enhanced explosive eruptive activity and associated hazards. In order to evaluate the contribution of volcanic activity on the reduction of ice masses, it is needed to establish comparisons with glaciers at non-volcanic mountains in order to estimate climatic-factors-related retreat vs. volcanic-related retreat (subglacial heat-flow, eruptive events, gravity driven processes, etc.). On the other hand, volcano-ice interactions are not fully understood and their consequences in terms of associated hazards. Contributions from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego at volcanic and non-volcanic systems are welcome.
Session website: http://moa.agu.org/2013/scientific-program/sessions/v08/.
Abstract submission website: http://agu-moa13.abstractcentral.com/
Abstract submission deadline: 6 February 2013, 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT.
Session co-sponsors: Cryosphere (C), Global Environmental Change (GC), Natural Hazards (NH)
We look forward to seeing you in Cancun.
Hugh Tuffen (h.tuffen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Christian Huggel (christian.huggel@xxxxxxxxxx)
Lucia Capra (lcapra@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Hugo Delgado Granados (hugo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)==============================================================
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