IPGP's "Geosciences PhD students Conference"
From: Céline Vidal <vidal@xxxxxxx>
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the annual conference in geosciences organized
by the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris 1 (IPGP). During one week (18-23
March 2013), the IPGP, the Université de Paris Diderot (UPD) and the Ecole Normale Supérieure
(ENS) will host PhD students who will present their research to other students,
lecturers and researchers.
The conference is organized by first year PhD students and will follow the structure of
classic scientific meetings. The sessions will cover a broad range of research areas, from topical
subjects such as Natural Hazards and Environmental Sciences, to the fundamentals
of Earth and Planetary Sciences. The conference provides the opportunity for students not
only to take part in a scientific meeting, but to make contacts within the academic community.
One full day of the conference is dedicated to «Jobs in Geosciences» which focuses
on future careers for PhDs in industry or business. A visit of Paris is also planned.
If you are a current European PhD student in the Geosciences, we recommend that you
apply for this Earth sciences doctoral student conference by sending us an abstract detailing
your current work and a CV. Some students will be selected by the organizing committee
based on the quality of their abstracts. We will try to ensure a good representation of
the different European countries.
The only requirements for applying are :
– You are a PhD student belonging to a European university.
– You are able to show results, not just a framework for planned work.
Please note that English is the language used for presentations/sessions and all students
have to attend all sessions during the conference. We support the costs for both accommodation
and transport inside Paris. The transport to Paris will also be reimbursed to
successfull applicants.
The application deadline is set to January 25, 2013. Please visit our website for more
information (https://hekla.ipgp.fr/cdd2013/) and feel free to contact us if you have
any questions at : cdd2013@xxxxxxx.
Don’t hesitate to forward this information to other Earth Sciences PhD Students, and to
encourage them to apply too !
Best regards,
The "Congrès des doctorants" committee.
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