From: Nemesio Perez Rodriguez <nperez@xxxxxxx>
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
group of scientists from Cape Verde, Spain and Portugal are
promoting a letter of support for the Cape Verde Volcano
Observatory (OVCV). They would like to receive also your support
to this letter by adding your name to the list of people who
already signed this letter of support (see the list below). If
you would like to suscribe this letter of support, for the OVCV
please send an e-mail to Dr. Pedro A. Hernández (phdez@xxxxxxx)
as soon as possible since this letter of support will be given
to the Cape Verde Authorities this coming Friday (November 9,
Nemesio M. Pérez
Since 2007 and after analysing the national capacities for reducing volcanic risk in Cape Verde by several members of the national and international scientific community, the establishment of the Cape Verde Volcano Observatory (Observatório Vulcanológico de Cabo Verde, OVCV) as a joint effort of the Cape Verde Civil Engineering Laboratory, LEC (the institution in-charge of the volcano monitoring in Cape Verde), the University of Cape Verde, UNICV (the new national “factory” of skilled human resources in Cape Verde for reducing volcanic risk) and the Cape Verde Civil Protection National Service, SNPC (the end-user of the scientific actions for reducing volcanic risk in Cape Verde) was advised. The establishment of the Cape Verde Volcano Observatory (OVCV) as a joint effort of different institutions and administration departments in Cape Verde will be fundamental to enhance collaborative scientific and technical efforts and maximize national public resources to help reduce volcanic risk in Cape Verde. We, the undersigned, strongly (i) endorse the decision made by the Presidents of the Civil Engineering Laboratory of Cape Verde, LEC (Mr. António Augusto Gonçalves), the Department of Science and Technology of the University of Cape Verde, DCT-UNICV (Dr. António E. Querido) and the Civil Protection National Service of Cape Verde, SNPC (Mr. Alberto C. B. Fernandes) on 2008, for the establishment of the Cape Verde Volcano Observatory (OVCV), which is part of the World Organization of Volcano Observatories (WOVO) since 2009 ( – an organization linked to the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI), and (ii) urge all of the required actions by the Government of the Republic of Cape Verde to accomplish the final and legal setting up of the Cape Verde Volcano Observatory (OVCV) as a national joint effort, open to other Cape Verde’s institutions (LEC+UNICV+SNPC+…), to improve reduce volcanic risk in Cape Verde. We also support the public announcement made by the Minister of Internal Administration of the Republic of Cape Verde (Mr. Lívio Fernandes Lopes) in Chã das Caldeiras (Fogo, Cape Verde) on May 11, 2009, as well as the conclusions reached during the international volcano workshop MAKAVOL 2010 FOGO (December 4-9, 2010, Cape Verde) for the need and setting up of the Cape Verde Volcano Observatory (OVCV) to assist reduce volcanic risk in Cape Verde. Finally, we would like to highlight that any other action that does not involve or lead the combined efforts of the different Cape Verde Institutions currently working for the reduction of volcanic risk in Cape Verde thanks to several international cooperation projects developed during the last 15 years and co-financed by the European Union, Portugal, Spain, the Canary Islands Regional Government, and the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife, will jeopardize tremendously the actual national capacities and the realization of new international cooperation projects to help reduce volcanic risk in Cape Verde.
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
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