Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology Tenure Tracked Job at Utah Valley University
From: Nathan Toke <Nathan.Toke@xxxxxxx>
Dear Volcanology Community,
The Department of Earth Sciences at Utah Valley University (UVU) invites
applications for a tenure-track position in Geology, to begin August
2013. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in geology or a closely
related field and expertise in igneous and/or
metamorphic petrology.
We are a teaching oriented department looking for someone who has research expertise in the field of petrology and is motivated to teach undergraduate students and mentor undergraduate research. Please refer to the job posting on the www.uvu.jobs website (linked above). Please see http://www.uvu.edu/csh/earthscience/ or contact Michael Bunds at michael.bunds@xxxxxxx for more information about UVU earth sciences
Nathan A. Toke
Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences
Utah Valley University
Orem, UT 84058==============================================================
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