Search for Geology Department Head, Kansas State University
From: Matthew Brueseke <brueseke@xxxxxxxxxxx>
We are searching for a Department Head; please pass this job description to anyone that might be interested (I apologize in advance for the multiple listserv postings!).
Department Head at Rank of Associate or Full Professor, Geology
The Department of Geology in the College of Arts & Sciences at Kansas State University is seeking applications for Department Head at the rank of Associate or full Professor. This is a 12-month, tenure line appointment. Promotion, tenure, and reappointment criteria are located at: Start date is July 1, 2013.
The department head will:
• provide leadership for the department relative to its strategic goals and those of the college and university, as expressed in the K-State 2025 Plan; have an ability to think long-term in creative ways;
• oversee and supervise daily departmental functions (e.g., scheduling, budgeting, and personnel);
• mentor faculty members in their research and teaching;
• be involved in teaching and advising of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as maintain an active research program in his/her areas of interest;
• complement our existing faculty expertise and show a strong interest in initiating or contributing to interdisciplinary research programs;
• foster a sense of community, with open communication, cooperation, and collegiality among faculty, staff, and students;
• work with the college, K-State Foundation, and Alumni Advisory Council to attract funds and resources;
• respect the breadth of the discipline and diverse approaches to scholarship, and relate well to individuals of diverse backgrounds.
• Earned Ph.D in geology or closely related earth sciences discipline;
• Excellent leadership and administrative skills;
• Qualifications consistent with the rank of Associate Professor or higher;
• Demonstrated ability to obtain and administer external funding.
• Qualification consistent with the rank of Professor.
• Experience and demonstrated success in leadership and administration;
• Experience obtaining philanthropic gifts; and
• Experience working with colleagues, students and staff from diverse groups.
Department Information
The Department of Geology ( currently includes 10 tenure-track/tenured faculty, 17 M.S. students, and over 70 undergraduate majors. We have an attractive older building and an ongoing renovation program to modernize laboratory space. Analytical and computational resources exist within department and across campus. See for example, We have a supportive alumni group that helps to provide research and travel funds for our students. Opportunities for collaboration within the university exist with faculty members in the departments of Geology, Biochemistry, Geography, Biology, Agronomy, and Environmental Engineering.
College Information
The programs in the College of Arts and Sciences are central to K-State’s historic and present missions. The College contains more than 20 departments and offers a number of special programs and secondary majors. With more than 7,000 students, it attracts the largest enrollment of any K-State college. It also offers approximately 85 percent of all freshman courses and 65 percent of all credits taught. The University is aggressively implementing a plan to be nationally recognized as a top 50 public research university by 2025.
Application Information
Review of applications will begin 15 December and continue until the position is filled. Applicants must submit: (1) a letter of application that describes their qualifications and background, (2) a statement outlining a vision for expanding the department’s research capabilities, academic programs and scholarship, (3) a curriculum vita, and (4) the names and contact information for four references to Dr. Richard Marston, Geology Head Search Committee, c/o Annette Maggio, College of Arts & Sciences, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-1005. Submissions by email are acceptable: leggs@xxxxxxx Contact the search committee chair with any questions: Richard Marston at Rmarston@xxxxxxx, 785-532-6727. Kansas State University is an equal opportunity employer. Kansas State University actively seeks diversity among its employees. Background check required.
Dr. Matthew E. Brueseke
Assistant Professor & Interim Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Geology, 108 Thompson Hall
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506
Ph: 785-532-1908
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