VOLCANO: IAVCEI-related Workshop on new methods/computer codes for volcano monitoring

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IAVCEI-related Workshop on new methods/computer codes for volcano monitoring
From: Martha Savage <Martha.Savage@xxxxxxxxx>

Request for expressions of interest for IAVCEI-related workshop

“Workshop on new methods/computer codes for volcano monitoring”

The next IAVCEI meeting will be at Kagoshima, Japan from 20-24 July 2013.  We are planning a parallel workshop to take place before the meeting, on Friday 19 July 2013 in Kagoshima.  This workshop is not on the official workshop list, but it complements a session on “Stress, strain and mass changes at active volcanoes”. The workshop will be focused on teaching new methods for calculating parameters that are useful in volcano monitoring.  Current plans are to teach some of; (1) the “MFAST” shear wave splitting package and its associated tomography package “TESSA”; (2) programs and methods for calculating variations in focal mechanisms with time; (3) the methodology for using background seismic noise to monitor changes in surface wave velocity with time.  (4) programs for  how to invert GPS data for simple pressure sources characteristics using either MATLAB or Python.  (5) The basics of how to use the PyLith finite element code for the solution of dynamic and quasi-static tect
 onic deformation problems. We welcome expressions of interest from others interested in sharing their codes.  The workshops will consist of ½ to 1-day sessions on topics of interest.  The first session will be spent going through sample data sets and time will be made available to help people who have brought their own datasets to determine how best to interface with the codes.

To help us plan the workshop details, we invite expressions of interest from people who would be interested in attending the workshop to either
(a) Teach others how to use codes that you have developed or
(b) Learn new techniques.
In either case, please let us know which topics are of most interest to you.

Please respond by Sept. 30 so that we may begin to plan the logistics.

Martha Savage
Professor of Geophysics, SGEES
Victoria University of Wellington

Until 1 December 2012, on Research and Study Leave at various places.  Contact details are:

Email: Martha.Savage@xxxxxxxxx
Cell:  +64(0)21-262-7516


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