AGU 2010 Session: G03 The Art and Science of Volcano Geodesy
From: Maurizio Battaglia <battag@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
G03: The Art and Science of Volcano Geodesy
Although volcano geodesy has become an increasingly quantitative field in recent years, there are still large uncertainties in the processes that control volcanic unrest. Results from geodetic measurements often support multiple hypotheses, so it is important that volcano scientists obtain constraints from other data sets and also think creatively in terms of source processes. In fact, personal intuition and experience may be as important as the most sophisticated mathematical model. The goal of this session is to aid investigations of volcanic unrest and eruption by emphasizing imaginative approaches to volcano geodesy and to stimulating discussion of the integration of geodesy with other geophysical, geological, and geochemical methods.
Maurizio Battaglia
Nicolas Fournier
Michael Poland
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