CoV6 Pre-conference field trip to Gran Canaria (Canary Islands)
From: Hans-Ulrich Schmincke <agglutinate@xxxxxxx>
Pre-conference field trip CoV6 #A01 Detailed instructions and itinerary will be provided to registered participants after payment. Field trip guide will be handed to participants onsite. Following payment you can contact us for urgent questions at agglutinate@xxxxxxx.
Field trip prior to CoV6Gran Canaria (Canary Islands): Evolution of a large multistage oceanic island.
Leaders Hans-Ulrich Schmincke and Mari Sumita.
Dates May 21 – 30 (arrival by participants on Gran Canaria, individual transfer by taxi to mountain hotel Paradise Tirajana, San Bartolome)
Number of participants 15 minimum – 25 maximum
Cost € 800. Full pension including box lunches, transport by small buses, boat ride along steep coastal cliffs on May 29 and transport on May 30 by bus and plane to Tenerife (conference site). The field trip begins May 22 at hotel Paradise Tirajana.
Program Gran Canaria is a magnificent textbook in volcanology owing to excellent exposures along deeply incised canyons and a wide spectrum of emplacement mechanisms and magma compositions. The overall theme of the 8-day excursion (May 22-29) is a synoptic presentation of the temporal, structural, compositional and volcanic evolution of a very complex oceanic island during some 16 m.y..
Major topics Miocene phase:
Shield basalts, including hands-on dike swarm; thick piles of some 25 rhyolitic (14-13.3 Ma) and ca 20 phonolitic ignimbrites and thick lavas erupted between 13.2 and 9 Ma including spectacular compositionally zoned (rhyolite to basalt) cooling units; structures of high-T peralkaline ignimbrites; a textbook 20 km diameter caldera including magnificently exposed hands-on caldera wall and cross section through caldera interior (huge cone sheet dike swarm and intrusive syenites).
Dates May 21 – 30 (arrival by participants on Gran Canaria, individual transfer by taxi to mountain hotel Paradise Tirajana, San Bartolome)
Number of participants 15 minimum – 25 maximum
Cost € 800. Full pension including box lunches, transport by small buses, boat ride along steep coastal cliffs on May 29 and transport on May 30 by bus and plane to Tenerife (conference site). The field trip begins May 22 at hotel Paradise Tirajana.
Program Gran Canaria is a magnificent textbook in volcanology owing to excellent exposures along deeply incised canyons and a wide spectrum of emplacement mechanisms and magma compositions. The overall theme of the 8-day excursion (May 22-29) is a synoptic presentation of the temporal, structural, compositional and volcanic evolution of a very complex oceanic island during some 16 m.y..
Major topics Miocene phase:
Shield basalts, including hands-on dike swarm; thick piles of some 25 rhyolitic (14-13.3 Ma) and ca 20 phonolitic ignimbrites and thick lavas erupted between 13.2 and 9 Ma including spectacular compositionally zoned (rhyolite to basalt) cooling units; structures of high-T peralkaline ignimbrites; a textbook 20 km diameter caldera including magnificently exposed hands-on caldera wall and cross section through caldera interior (huge cone sheet dike swarm and intrusive syenites).
Late Miocene – Holocene phases:
Major post-erosional large Roque Nublo stratocone: alkalic mafic to evolved lavas, phonolitic domes and volcaniclastics topped by spectacular debris avalanche deposits; thick piles of Late Pliocene (melilite) nephelinites, some rich in peridotite nodules, and basanites; Late Holocene basanitic tephra cones, maar craters and their deposits.
Detailed instructions and itinerary will be provided to registered participants after payment. Field trip guide will be handed to participants onsite. Following payment you can contact us for urgent questions at agglutinate@xxxxxxx.
Detailed instructions and itinerary will be provided to registered participants after payment. Field trip guide will be handeDetailed instructions and itinerary will be provided to registered participants after payment. Field trip guide will be handed to participants onsite. Following payment you can contact us for urgent questions at agglutinate@xxxxxxxxx to participants onsite. Following payment you can contact us for urgent questions at agglutinate@xxxxxxx.
Major post-erosional large Roque Nublo stratocone: alkalic mafic to evolved lavas, phonolitic domes and volcaniclastics topped by spectacular debris avalanche deposits; thick piles of Late Pliocene (melilite) nephelinites, some rich in peridotite nodules, and basanites; Late Holocene basanitic tephra cones, maar craters and their deposits.
Detailed instructions and itinerary will be provided to registered participants after payment. Field trip guide will be handed to participants onsite. Following payment you can contact us for urgent questions at agglutinate@xxxxxxx.
Detailed instructions and itinerary will be provided to registered participants after payment. Field trip guide will be handeDetailed instructions and itinerary will be provided to registered participants after payment. Field trip guide will be handed to participants onsite. Following payment you can contact us for urgent questions at agglutinate@xxxxxxxxx to participants onsite. Following payment you can contact us for urgent questions at agglutinate@xxxxxxx.
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