Colima Volcano Database
From: Lucia Capra <lcapra@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
We would like to alert students and researchers to a data base we have developed recently for the Colima Volcano, Mexico. The website is http://www.geociencias.unam.mx/colima/index.php.
This site include information on the eruptive history of the Colima Volcanic Complex, complete bibliographic reference of published works, and data from ongoing research from people participating in this initiative. A hazard map (compiled based on previous published works) is also available and it can be visualized with Google Earth. In addition pictures and movies of the volcano edifice, its ongoing activity and the volcanic deposits are available.
The mapserver section is still under construction, and the purpose is to have direct access to thematic maps (deposit distributions) and point data (i.e. stratigraphic section, sedimentology, rainfall data, geochemical composition, ages….etc).
It is worth mentioning that all data presented in this site came only from published works, and that we are trying to keep all information up-to-date. In particular, anyone that has data, picture or publications not already included in our database, please feel free to send the information and we will include it in the online database.
Lucia Capra, Marina Manea, Gianluca Norini, Vlad Manea
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