AGU Session V03: Volcanism in the East African Rift System (EARS)
From: Tobias Fischer fischer@xxxxxxx
Dear Colleagues,
Please consider contributing to special session V03 at the AGU Fall 2009 Meeting in San Francisco.
The abstract deadline is Thursday, September 3, 2009. http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm09/program/abstract_submissions.php
V03: Volcanism in the East African Rift System (EARS)
The East African Rift System (EARS) is presently the Earth’s largest and most complex active continental extension zone, characterized by abundant magmatism, seismicity and crustal thinning. The reason for the fracturing of the African Plate has been subject to much debate but there seems to be consensus that it is due in part to the presence of rising thermal plume(s) in the mantle. Volcanism is currently spectacularly active at a number of locations including Erta Ale, Niragongo and Oldoinyo Lengai. EARS volcanism is commonly dominated by unusual, silica-deficient compositions including nephelinites, carbonatites and a host of site-specific rocks such as ugandite, kamafugite and katungite. This session invites contributions on all aspects of modern volcanism in the EARS: petrology, geochemistry, volatiles, xenoliths, shallow magmatic processes and regional volcanological/geologic studies. We also welcome experimental petrology studies that relate magma generation processes to the tectonic environment of the EARS.
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