******************************** From: Hugh Tuffen <h.tuffen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ******************************** Dear All, We would like to draw your attention to the forthcoming 2nd Volcano-Ice Interaction on Earth and Mars Conference at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 19th-22nd 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conveners: Ben Edwards, Dickinson College, USA; Ian Skilling, University of Pittsburgh, USA; Hugh Tuffen and Lionel Wilson, University of Lancaster, UK. For more information and registration instructions visit: http://volcanoes.dickinson.edu/VIWG/meetings/index.html or http://www.es.lancs.ac.uk/vgrg/conf/vii2/home.html. Please note that the deadline for registration, abstract submission and accommodation is March 15th 2007. Registration will cost US$250 for students, US$275 for non-students. This conference is a follow-up to the first Volcano-Ice Interaction on Earth and Mars Conference, held in Reykjavik, Iceland in 2000, and is sponsored by the IAVCEI Working Group on Volcano-Ice Interaction, the University of British Columbia Geological Survey of Canada and the University of Pittsburgh, USA. The conference location is ideal as it is close to some superb examples of non- basaltic volcano-ice interaction that are preserved in British Columbia and north-west USA. In addition to three days of scientific sessions there will be a mid-conference fieldtrip to Whistler, BC and longer pre- and post-conference fieldtrips to other localities. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Interactions between volcanism and snow or ice lead to a diversity of eruption products, landforms and hazardous phenomena. Examples include the formation of steep-sided tuyas during eruptions under ice caps and the generation of lahars by mixing of pyroclastic materials with summit snow pack. While often poorly observed, the consequences can be highly hazardous to adjacent communities. Furthermore, subglacial edifices exposed by glacier removal yield information on past climatic conditions. The potential for volcano-ice interactions to have occurred on Mars means that a rigorous understanding of the terrestrial glaciovolcanism is necessary before we can understand the implications for the evolution of the Martian climate and environment. Progress towards understanding the variety and consequences of volcano-ice interactions comes though field studies of exposed edifices and deposits, remote sensing and geophysical monitoring, and modelling of the physics of heat transfer and fluid dynamics. In this conference we seek to bring together practitioners in these sub-disciplines to highlight recent advances in our understanding and to map the path to further progress in elucidating the mechanisms and consequences of volcano-ice interactions. Although any research addressing volcano-ice interaction is welcome, we particularly encourage submission of abstracts on the following themes: . Physics of magma-ice interaction on Earth and Mars . Hazards deriving from volcano-ice interaction . Glaciovolcanism in continental volcanic arcs . Recognizing and interpreting volcano-ice interaction on Mars . Jökulhlaups and volcano-ice interaction . Understanding depositional processes of syn-eruption glaciovolcanic sediments . Using glaciovolcanic rocks to constrain former ice conditions and palaeoclimate . Understanding felsic glaciovolcanism: comparisons to and contrasts with the basaltic record . Interpretation of eruption environments from lava jointing patterns . Influences of topography on volcano-ice interaction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fieldtrips Three fieldtrips are planned. These include a pre-conference trip to the Wells- Gray Clearwater volcanic field in western BC (16-18 June), a local mid- conference trip to Whistler, BC, Canada and a post-conference trip to the Cascade volcanic arc (Mts. Baker and Rainier, depending on snow levels; 23-25 June). Further details including costs and field trip registration will be emailed to everyone on the mailing list in early February 2007. Further Information For information about registration, abstract submission, accommodation and other matters, please visit the conference website. To sign up for the mailing list, please contact Ian Skilling (skilling@xxxxxxxx). The second circular will be emailed to all those on the mailing list in April 2007 and will include the final scientific programme and travel/accommodation information. It will also be available on the website. --------------------------------------------------- Dr. Hugh Tuffen is a Fellow at Lancaster and UCL Lancaster address: Department of Environmental Science, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ, U.K. E-mail: h.tuffen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:h.tuffen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Tel.: +44 (0)1524 593571, Fax: +44(0)1524 593985 http://www.es.lancs.ac.uk/vgrg/people/HT.html ============================================================== To unsubscribe from the volcano list, send the message: signoff volcano to: listserv@xxxxxxx, or write to: volcano-request@xxxxxxxx To contribute to the volcano list, send your message to: volcano@xxxxxxxx Please do not send attachments. ==============================================================