Láscar April-August 2006 eruptive cycle update

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Láscar April-August 2006 eruptive cycle update
From: Jorge Clavero Ribes <jclavero@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Lascar volcano, located in the Central Andes of Northern Chile
(23º22'/67º44'W) started a new eruptive cycle on April 18th 2006, after
almost one year of apparent repose (last eruption recorded in May 4th 2005)
. After one week with several phreatic explosive cycles per day (some
lasting up to two hours), reaching up to 3,500 m above the crater, the
activity decreased. The ash collected in June around the crater area showed
no signs of new magma, in agreement with seismic data (three seismometers
were installed for one week, and one for nearly one month to record the
seismic activity associated to the explosions). The volcano has continued
its activity with several smaller explosions during May, July and August,
although much more separated in time (up to several weeks). The last
observed explosions occurred on June 12th at 16:00 hrs and August 14th at
18:00 hrs (local time, GMT-4)). The latter lasted for 5 minutes and the
plume reached up to 450 m above the crater, and was rapidly dispersed
towards the East-Southeast. This unusual long-lasting cycle of phreatic
vulcanian explosions of Láscar volcano seems to continue, and efforts from
the Chilean Geological Survey (Sernageomin) and the Chilean Emergency Office
(Onemi) are under way to install permanent seismometers in the area.
Although no signs of new magma have been recognised so far, ascent of new
magma in the future cannot be ruled out.

Jorge Clavero, José A. Naranjo (Chilean Geological Survey)
Juan Cayupi (Chilean Emergency Office)

Jorge Clavero R.
Programa Riesgo Volcánico de Chile/Volcano Hazard Prog.
Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería
Av. Santa María 0104-Providencia-Santiago
F: 56-2-7375050

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