********************************************* Reminder about JVGR El Chichón special issue ********************************************* From: Yuri Taran <taran@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Dear Colleagues, The deadline for submitting your manuscripts for the special JVGR issue on "25 Anniversary of the El Chichón eruption" is 15 November 2006. We require submission of the manuscripts in pdf format to one of the editors. The full timetable is reproduced below. Time table 15 November 2006: deadline for manuscript submissions 15 January 2007: deadline for reviewers comments 1 March 2007: deadline for revised manuscript submissions July 2007: Production of volume Looking forward to see all your papers, Best wishes, Yuri Taran (taran@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:taran@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>) - fluid geochemistry Jim Luhr (luhr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:luhr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>) - geochemistry-petrology Jose Luis Macias (macias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jlmacias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>) - volcanology Juan Manuel Espíndola (jmec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jme@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>) - geophysics ============================================================== To unsubscribe from the volcano list, send the message: signoff volcano to: listserv@xxxxxxx, or write to: volcano-request@xxxxxxxx To contribute to the volcano list, send your message to: volcano@xxxxxxxx Please do not send attachments. ==============================================================