Howdy, I've noted two problems which I am not sure weather or not are 8021q specfic, but google doesn't seem to have any similar mailing list posting documenting these issues. I have a simple script which creates 2000 vlan devices and, damm, it runs slow! Device creation can be as slow as 2 devices per second and there are very noticable pauses during execution. I have noted also that if I access certain /proc files during this time, device creation halts completely. The speed of device creation does not appear related to the number done or index - indeed, the first 20 devices are just as slow as the last 20. I suppose it's not too awfully important and doesn't really have much overall impact because device creation is such an infrequent event even on a very busy network server such as dedicated pppoe box. I just thought I'd bring it up for comment. Secondly, under linux 2.4.27 (but not under 2.6.8 that I can see), there appears to be a maximum number of devices that can be registered before I start getting kernel errors for "VLAN: failed to add proc entry for xxxx". My test script creates the devices in a loop and sets an ip address as each comes up, and seems to get 108 devices created before the errors start appearing. If I omit the 'ifconfig', then there doesn't seem to be any problem and I can create all 2000 devices. Under kernel 2.6.8, I can run the same test script with ifconfig the new interfaces and no problem appears. I have also noted that under 2.4.32, the issue also appears to affect listing of ppp interfaces in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/ where if I have 450 or so actual pppd's running, this directory only lists about 119 interfaces total. This sounds like a procfs limitation (in 2.4) but I'm not that familliar with the different peices to know for sure. Comments? Mike- I realise the speed of device creation is probbly not too important and probbly involves device structure locking issues that we don't want to visit. Th