HI There, My vlan is working perfectly but I have a few questions if I may. I'm using a Cisco Catalyst 3500xl switch and was wondering if it's possible to give more then 1 vlan access through a specific port? This is the part that I'm wondering about. Right now it only gives access to one Vlan with an ID of 2. Is there a way to allow multiple vlans through or maybe just let anything through with a vlan id ? interface FastEthernet0/2 duplex full speed 100 switchport access vlan 2 spanning-tree portfast ! This is where my Linux box plugs into, there's about 10 vlans added on the Linux box NIC that connects to the switch. interface FastEthernet0/1 duplex full speed 100 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,2,1002-1005 switchport mode trunk spanning-tree portfast ! Thanks for the help in advance. Kind Regards