I ran into some weird problem as of late. 🙁
I set up a new production system (Linux Lite 6.2.) as I converted from Lubuntu to LL. I´ve always been running Bodhi Linux as a virtual machine (qemu/kvm/virt-manager) and intend to keep it that way.
However I needed to change permissions for the Bodhi img-file in order to import it in virt-manager.
I did it thus:
sudo chown
libvirt-qemu:libvirt-qemu <image-file>
Now I could easily import the existing img-file for Bodhi. The vm starts alright but when logging in I´m presented with
an error message. It said:
found when loading /home/rosika2/.xprofile:
xrandr: cannot find output "Virtual-0"
xrandr: cannot find output "Virtual-0"
Hmm... I then started Bodhi using the i3 tiling window manager and thus at least could get a smaller window in which I could
make use of the terminal.
"xrandr -q" informed me about Virtual-0 being used. So I changed into /home/rosika2/ and looked at .xprofile:
cat .xprofile
xrandr --newmode "1696x953_60.00" 133.75 1696 1800 1976
2256 953 956 966 989 -hsync +vsync
xrandr --addmode Virtual-0 1696x953_60.00
Hmm... xrandr -q said "Virtual-0 connected primary [...]".
So I changed the config file to use "Virtual-1".
I rebooted and indeed everything´s o.k. now ... as long as I make use of the i3 tiling window manager.
However the problem remains when trying to use the Moksha DE. Still I´m presented with a popup. It says:
output is not active
I guess there´s a dedicated config file for Moksha which needs changing but I don´t know where to start here.
Does anybody have a clue and can help me?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Many greetings from Rosika
Bodhi info:
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:Ubuntu
Description: Bodhi Linux 5
Release: 18.04
Codename: bionic