On 12/07/2018 03:28 AM, Lin Ma wrote:
v1 -> v2:
* Wrapper autocomplete function into cli.py to avoid to import argcomplete everywhere
* Move bash completion template file 'virtmanager' into data/bash-completion/ folder.
* Modify 'virtmanager', remove the complete lines. instead, The virt-* string will be
added into virt-* scripts at build time.
* copy the 'virtmanager' to virt-* scripts in my_build instead of linking/deleting
in my_install_data.
* Detect bash completion install location by function bash_completion_dir instead of
hard code the location.
* Add a new patch about git ignore.
Thanks! I've pushed these now. I squashed a couple patches together and
fixed some style issues in your patches. I also added some follow up patches
* rework the setup.py stuff a bit
* add testsuite support
* drop the .completer = _completer stuff and centralize setting it up
* make the argcomplete bits optional by only importing it when
completion is requested
* A side effect of patches is:
Due to the sub options of arguments of virt-* is comma separated, It needs
to add comma into $COMP_WORDBREAKS to support sub options completion.
That means, Once we used TAB for option completion, The change impacts the
current shell.
I couldn't come up with a solution for this either, bash completion is
complicated! We will wait and see if anyone complains
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