On 09/12/2018 10:37 AM, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
I have worked out how to do (almost) unattended installs of Windows
guests using virt-install. This reveals some issues with
virt-install, although maybe they are not bugs.
The virt-install command and autounattend.xml file are attached. You
will need to:
(1) Put build.sh into a directory.
(2) Create config/ subdirectory.
(3) Put autounattend.xml into the config/ subdirectory. Edit the file
to add your product key.
(4) Download Windows ISO somewhere (modify the path in build.sh).
(5) Run ./build.sh
The result is very large. Windows Server 2012R2 takes 5.3 GB!
- - -
The first problem with virt-install I had was that when you use
multiple CD-ROMs virt-install doesn't choose a sensible boot order.
That's the reason for the ,boot_order=XX attributes. It seems like
this used to work in some old version of virt-install, see:
FYI I fixed this issue upstream now:
commit 41d0f8fdf1905612ef389cb7b58c5377394f855b (HEAD -> master,
origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Cole Robinson <crobinso@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat Oct 13 10:23:00 2018 -0400
installer: Order install CDROM before any manual CDROMs
So you should be able to drop the bootorder bits, it should work
correctly using --cdrom $windowsmedia --disk $virtiowin,device=cdrom ...
- Cole
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