On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 10:36:31AM +0200, Arno Gaboury wrote: > Why don't you specify --network? Not needed ? It depends. No --network gives you the defaults. You could also specify: --network bridge=br0 > Is graohics spice best than vnc? Usually yes. > I do not want to use btrfs but ext4, but my host (Archlinux) use > btfrs. Is this the reason I shall add #options="-x btrfs" ? Or shall > I remove? It's commented out in the script. Only Fedora would use this option. > What about sparse=false ? Not needed? Obsolete, or not a good solution? I thought you were using an LV as storage? There's no choice for LVs (except with extremely recent versions of LVM that you're unlikely to be using). Rich. -- Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~rjones Read my programming blog: http://rwmj.wordpress.com Fedora now supports 80 OCaml packages (the OPEN alternative to F#) http://cocan.org/getting_started_with_ocaml_on_red_hat_and_fedora