Hi. I am having major usability issues after recent updates of (I believe) the blame lies in libvirt updates.... Previously I just setup a new connection using virt-manager - I entered the root password - I used to connect then actually was able to use virt-manager. Now... I'm having major issues. In openSUSE (for example) virt-manager is completely broken - even though I enter username 'root' it ALWAYS connects as my username - so i can no longer use virt-manager at all with that OS. To make things worse in KDE (this also happens in arch) I have a grey dialogue box that you CANNOT!! paste the password in - I have to type it out (like its windows or something..) To see what I mean see :- http://imgur.com/FOSvq So opensuse (kde) is completely broken - Arch linux involves typing a 24 char pass in (instead of pasting) - and worse : I have to keep !!TYPING!! the password in each time I do anything - i.e enter a VM - so its really not usable . Say I want to connect and enter 4 vm's - thats 5 times I have to enter the password - WHY ?????? As a workaround i changed the root pass to a simple (short) password everytime I use virt-manager - so its a crappy workaround. In Debian (gnome2) I use the backports version of libvirt and the same thing occurs - although that's slightly better as I can paste the pass in that dialogue box - although (again) I have to type (or paste) the pass in each time I do anything. I used to just use the SSH key to connect - why the hell can't i now ? Sorry for the tone of this email but virt-manager used to work 100% fine and now its pretty much broken. How can I make it work like it used to ? (Or is downgrading the only way ?) I do not want to put the pass in every single time I do anything. How can I configure it to connect via SSH key (as i used to?) Regards