Mon, Dec 30, 2024 at 12:21:18PM +0100, schorpp wrote:
What? Your PI3/2 software decoders are too slow for h.262 (MPEG2) but
fast enough for h.264 needing ~ x4 cpu/fpu power?
The CPU cores in the Pi 2 and possibly also in the Pi 3 are too slow for
decoding any video in real time.
Raspberry OS includes closed source Videocore IV GPU firmware that
implements H.262 and H.264 decoding. That's what the rpihddevice plugin
is using for decoding video. Audio is being decoded by FFMPEG. The H.262
decoder requires a license key to be purchased, while the H.264 decoder
does not.
Try an UML Modeling C++ reverse engineering app like e.g. Rational Rose
or Umbrella (Linux) successors.
No thanks, I am not a fan of any GUI software.
Once I have fully understood the parsing logic in libavcodec, I will
determine if I'll improve cRpiAudioDecoder::cParser::Parse() a little,
or if I'd make it use more of libavcodec, which rpihddevice already
depends on for the actual decoding.
Cool. The FFMPEG guys will surely appreciate it.
I am hoping it to be easy to play 2 channels of the 5.1 channel audio,
once the correct parameters have been determined. I may be too
optimistic about this. Playing all 5.1 channels is probably much