Am 20.03.2016 um 11:38 schrieb g.bruno:
I upgraded my computer and now I have Ubuntu 14.4.4 with kernel
version 4.2.0-30-generic. When I install xine-ui Version 0.99.7 via
synaptic, it works, but the sound is stuttering, switching on and off
several times per second. Comparing with an older installation on an
other computer, I found that the plugin "xineplug_ao_out_alsa.so" is
The plugin is part of libxine1-misc-plugins:
I compiled several versions of xine, also 0.99.6 and 0.99.9, always
with the same result. The file /usr/include/alsa/sound/asoundlib.h
exists. I attach the output from the ./configure command and from xine
--debug-report. Edit: was refused by the server as spam. So I do it
without it.
I don't know, what to do anymore. Can anyone help me? I lost too much
time with this problem.
If the official packages do not work for you, you are welcome to use the
ones from https://launchpad.net/~yavdr/+archive/ubuntu/main and
https://launchpad.net/~yavdr/+archive/ubuntu/stable-vdr if you don't
want to spend more time compiling everything yourself.
Alexander Grothe
vdr mailing list