On 06.02.2014 00:36, Jukka Tastula wrote:
On Wed, 05 Feb 2014 12:10:58 +0100
Klaus Schmidinger <Klaus.Schmidinger@xxxxxxx> wrote:
For testing, can you please remove the channels with 658000000?
Or, better yet, start VDR with a channels.conf that contains only one single line:
MTV3;MTV Oy=Digita Finland:482:B8C23D23G8M64N3S0T8Y0:T:0:305=2:561=fin@4,562=dut@4:5010;1073=fin,1074=dut:0:49:8438:8193:0
and see what happens.
It seems any combination alone or together with anything other than 658 works
and new channels at those frequencies are discovered, but once I add anything
with 658 in it it immediately causes 482 to change to 658.
Now please test the other way round and start VDR with only one single 658 entry.
Once it has received all other channels on that transponder, are there any that
would actually have to be 482?
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