Hallo Klaus,
also web space via http kann ich auf einem meiner server bereitstellen ...
(ftp mag ich nicht so sehr, weil da immer wieder security
vulnerabilities auftauchen).
Lieben Gruss
On 2012-07-18 16:17, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
On 17.07.2012 12:05, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
The VDR web site tvdr.de will be down for maintenance some time today.
This includes both www.tvdr.de and ftp.tvdr.de.
The hardware problem on the server has been fixed yesterday, so
I can now install a new OS version. However, this means there
will be further downtimes during the next days, since I'll have
to do this as time permits. I'll try to keep them as short as possible.
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