Re: [PATCH] GOTOXX patch for vdr-1.7.22 - extension for "smart" DiSEqC algo implemented in last NessieDVB fw

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On 12/08/11 12:52, Ales Jurik wrote:
> Hi all,
> here is patch for using motor with vdr-1.7.22. As the diseqc subsystem
> changed quite a lot in 1.7.22 please report any problem.


this is incremental patch to previous GOTOXX patch for NessieDVB users.
It allows usage of only new 'g' command for all LNB positions and gotoxx
motor, so diseqc.conf could be like for all sat positions:

S19.2E  11700 V  9750  t v W30 g W30 v t
S19.2E  99999 V 10600  T v W30 g W30 v T
S19.2E  11700 H  9750  t V W30 g W30 V t
S19.2E  99999 H 10600  T V W30 g W30 V T

S13.0E  11700 V  9750  t v W30 g W30 v t
S13.0E  99999 V 10600  T v W30 g W30 v T
S13.0E  11700 H  9750  t V W30 g W30 V t
S13.0E  99999 H 10600  T V W30 g W30 V T

S1.0W   11700 V  9750  t V W30 g W30 v t
S1.0W   99999 V 10600  t V W30 g W30 v T
S1.0W   11700 H  9750  t V W30 g W30 V t
S1.0W   99999 H 10600  t V W30 g W30 V T

S9.0E   11700 V  9750  t V W30 g W30 v t
S9.0E   99999 V 10600  t V W30 g W30 v T
S9.0E   11700 H  9750  t V W30 g W30 V t
S9.0E   99999 H 10600  t V W30 g W30 V T

The original functionality and usage of old 'G' command is not touched.

More about the new "smart" algo in


diff -rupN vdr-1.7.22_gotoxx_patched//diseqc.c vdr-1.7.22_gotoxx_nessiedvb_patched//diseqc.c
--- vdr-1.7.22_gotoxx_patched//diseqc.c	2012-01-08 12:08:20.495922647 +0100
+++ vdr-1.7.22_gotoxx_nessiedvb_patched//diseqc.c	2012-01-08 12:12:37.381918105 +0100
@@ -250,7 +250,8 @@ cDiseqc::eDiseqcActions cDiseqc::Execute
           case 'V': return daVoltage18;
           case 'A': return daMiniA;
           case 'B': return daMiniB;
-	      case 'G': return daGotoX;          
+	      case 'G': return daGotoX;    
+          case 'g': return daGotoX_Virtual;	            
           case 'W': *CurrentAction = Wait(*CurrentAction); break;
           case 'S': *CurrentAction = GetScrBank(*CurrentAction); break;
           case '[': *CurrentAction = GetCodes(*CurrentAction, Codes, MaxCodes);
@@ -276,6 +277,7 @@ cDiseqc::eDiseqcActions cDiseqc::TestFor
         switch (*(*CurrentAction)++) {
           case ' ': break;
 	      case 'G': return daGotoX;    
+          case 'g': return daGotoX_Virtual;	            
           default: return daNone;
diff -rupN vdr-1.7.22_gotoxx_patched//diseqc.h vdr-1.7.22_gotoxx_nessiedvb_patched//diseqc.h
--- vdr-1.7.22_gotoxx_patched//diseqc.h	2012-01-08 12:08:20.495922647 +0100
+++ vdr-1.7.22_gotoxx_nessiedvb_patched//diseqc.h	2012-01-08 12:12:37.381918105 +0100
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ public:
-    daGotoX,    
+    daGotoX,
+    daGotoX_Virtual,        
diff -rupN vdr-1.7.22_gotoxx_patched//dvbdevice.c vdr-1.7.22_gotoxx_nessiedvb_patched//dvbdevice.c
--- vdr-1.7.22_gotoxx_patched//dvbdevice.c	2012-01-08 12:10:21.273920511 +0100
+++ vdr-1.7.22_gotoxx_nessiedvb_patched//dvbdevice.c	2012-01-08 12:12:37.383918105 +0100
@@ -460,6 +460,56 @@ bool cDvbTuner::IsTunedTo(const cChannel
   return strcmp(channel.Parameters(), Channel->Parameters()) == 0;
+void HandleGotox_Virtual(int fd_frontend, int new_source)
+  int gotoXTable[10] = { 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x06, 0x08, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0D, 0x0E };
+  int satlong;
+  if (Setup.UseGotox == 0)
+    return;
+  // Check if zapped into new source position?
+    if ((new_source & 0xFF000000) != 0x53000000) 
+      return; // Fail, not S type source
+    satlong = (new_source & 0x00000FFFF);
+    if (new_source & 0x00008000) {
+      satlong ^= 0x0000FFFF; satlong++; satlong *= (-1);
+    }
+    int Long=Setup.GotoxEW ? -Setup.GotoxLong : Setup.GotoxLong;
+    int Lat=Setup.GotoxSN ? -Setup.GotoxLat : Setup.GotoxLat;
+    double azimuth=M_PI+atan(tan((satlong-Long)*M_PI/1800)/sin(Lat*M_PI/1800));
+    double x=acos(cos((satlong-Long)*M_PI/1800)*cos(Lat*M_PI/1800));
+    double elevation=atan((cos(x)-0.1513)/sin(x));
+    double SatHourangle=180+atan((-cos(elevation)*sin(azimuth))/(sin(elevation)*cos(Lat*M_PI/1800)
+			   -cos(elevation)*sin(Lat*M_PI/1800)*cos(azimuth)))*180/M_PI;
+    int tmp=(int)(fabs(180-SatHourangle)*10);
+    tmp=(tmp/10)*0x10 + gotoXTable[ tmp % 10 ];
+    int p2=(tmp%0x0100);
+    int p1=(tmp/0x0100);
+    if (SatHourangle < 180)
+      p1 |= 0xe0;
+    else
+      p1 |= 0xd0;
+    // Send 1st GotoX command, then wait > 15ms
+    uchar gotox_bytes[5] = { 0xe0, 0x31, 0x6e, p1, p2};
+    struct dvb_diseqc_master_cmd gotox_cmd;
+    memcpy(gotox_cmd.msg, gotox_bytes, 5);
+    gotox_cmd.msg_len = 5;
+    CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_DISEQC_SEND_MASTER_CMD, &gotox_cmd));
+    cCondWait::SleepMs(20);
+    // Send repeated GotoX command, then wait > 15ms
+    if (Setup.GotoxRepeat) {
+      gotox_bytes[0] = 0xe1;
+      memcpy(gotox_cmd.msg, gotox_bytes, 5);
+      CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_DISEQC_SEND_MASTER_CMD, &gotox_cmd));
+      cCondWait::SleepMs(20);
+    }
+    dsyslog("DiSEqC GotoX_Virtual done.");
 void HandleGotox(int fd_frontend, int new_source)
@@ -738,15 +779,16 @@ void cDvbTuner::ExecuteDiseqc(const cDis
       if (da == cDiseqc::daNone)
       switch (da) {
-        case cDiseqc::daToneOff:   CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_SET_TONE, SEC_TONE_OFF)); break;
-        case cDiseqc::daToneOn:    CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_SET_TONE, SEC_TONE_ON)); break;
-        case cDiseqc::daVoltage13: CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_SET_VOLTAGE, SEC_VOLTAGE_13)); break;
-        case cDiseqc::daVoltage18: CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_SET_VOLTAGE, SEC_VOLTAGE_18)); break;
-        case cDiseqc::daMiniA:     CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_DISEQC_SEND_BURST, SEC_MINI_A)); break;
-        case cDiseqc::daMiniB:     CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_DISEQC_SEND_BURST, SEC_MINI_B)); break;
-        case cDiseqc::daGotoX:     HandleGotox(fd_frontend, channel.Source()); break;
-        case cDiseqc::daCodes:     CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_DISEQC_SEND_MASTER_CMD, &cmd)); break;
-        default: esyslog("ERROR: unknown diseqc command %d", da);
+        case cDiseqc::daToneOff:        CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_SET_TONE, SEC_TONE_OFF)); break;
+        case cDiseqc::daToneOn:         CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_SET_TONE, SEC_TONE_ON)); break;
+        case cDiseqc::daVoltage13:      CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_SET_VOLTAGE, SEC_VOLTAGE_13)); break;
+        case cDiseqc::daVoltage18:      CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_SET_VOLTAGE, SEC_VOLTAGE_18)); break;
+        case cDiseqc::daMiniA:          CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_DISEQC_SEND_BURST, SEC_MINI_A)); break;
+        case cDiseqc::daMiniB:          CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_DISEQC_SEND_BURST, SEC_MINI_B)); break;
+        case cDiseqc::daGotoX:          HandleGotox(fd_frontend, channel.Source()); break;
+        case cDiseqc::daGotoX_Virtual:  HandleGotox_Virtual(fd_frontend, channel.Source()); break;
+        case cDiseqc::daCodes:          CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_DISEQC_SEND_MASTER_CMD, &cmd)); break;
+        default:                        esyslog("ERROR: unknown diseqc command %d", da);
   if (scr)
@@ -762,7 +804,7 @@ bool cDvbTuner::TestDiseqcForGotoXX(cons
     cDiseqc::eDiseqcActions da = Diseqc->TestForGotoXX(&CurrentAction);
     if (da == cDiseqc::daNone)
-    if (da == cDiseqc::daGotoX)
+    if((da == cDiseqc::daGotoX) || (da == cDiseqc::daGotoX_Virtual))
       return true;
   return false;
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