Hi all,
I finally managed to upgrade my vdr-1.6.x to vdr-1.7.22 and get the
LiveBuffer patch compiled in Gentoo. There was however some problems i
bumped into.
The first issue i have is when starting vdr. I get the following plugins
to fail during startup:
ERROR: loading plugin libvdr-epgsearch.so.1.7.22: undefined symbol:
ERROR: loading plugin libvdr-skinenigmang.so.1.7.22: undefined symbol:
ERROR: loading plugin libvdr-text2skin.so.1.7.22: undefined symbol:
ERROR: loading plugin libvdr-burn.so.1.7.22: undefined symbol:
ERROR: loading plugin libvdr-streamdev-server.so.1.7.22: undefined
symbol: _ZN6cTimerC1EbbP8cChannel
I have compiled vdr, and after this i recompiled all plugins without any
errors. The use-flags that are active are these:
cutterlimit ddepgentry hardlinkcutter lircsettings mainmenuhooks
pinplugin timerinfo wareagleicon yaepg
The same use-flags worked fine with vdr 1.6.x
LiveBuffer for vdr-1.7.22 again failed with these use-flags:
dvlvidprefer liemikuutio jumpplay setup ttxtsubs
Is there anything that i forgot to enable/disable in my setup?
Then i got an other problem. When watching a recording, and i
fastforward of rewind the program, i get to a situation that the
"timecounter" get's stuck to the frame i start from. The film moves, but
when i hit play, i end up back to the frame from where i started to
rewind/fastforwad. The only way to fix this is to jump with the
yellow/green buttons. AFter this i can rewind/fastforwad normally. This
again works for a while, but again if it fails to stop to the place i
rewind to, i have to "reset" the rewind-issue with the yellow/green
Is this a known bug in vdr, or is it something that i have messed up in
my setup?
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