In a small company like where I work I take the support call and fix the
issue. Then your strategy would work.
I suspect that in a larger company the only thing that happens is that
the people at frontline support gets annoyed. The relevant people will
only see one issue in their issue tracking system regardless.
It would however be interesting to know if more people in Sweden have
seen this. Perhaps everyone but me knew of the french situation and had
it fixed long ago. Perhaps recording old Stargate reruns on TV6 is too
geekish so noone else noticed :-)
I got a very positive sounding response from Teracom. I got the
impression they are really going to fix this. For anyone else interested
I simply mailed their support address on their homepage, ie: kundtjanst@xxxxxxxxxx
Klaus Schmidinger skrev 2011-05-28 23:55:
On 28.05.2011 10:57, Johan Andersson wrote:
I sent off a question to customer support at Teracom and got a reply
indicating that they do have an error relating to these channels in
their 'coding platform'.
Thanks for actually doing this - finally a broadcaster who at
least admits *they* have a problem ;-)
'Your problem seems to relate to the error we have', was their
statement. They had no due date for fixing it though.
Maybe they would give this more priority if more people contacted
them about this. Once replying to inquiries takes up a considerable
amount of their time, they might consider doing something about it.
Perhaps you should post here how to contact them, so other viewers
of their channels could also bother them ;-)
Johan Andersson, jna@xxxxxxxxx
vdr mailing list