On 18.03.2011 21:18, Jouni Karvo wrote:
On 17.03.2011 18:21, Jouni Karvo wrote:
Thanks for the update. Seems so far to work nicely. The INSTALL
file points to the jusst.de tree, but I thought that the libxine-1.2
is now at the xine-project mercurial (where, it seems, are some
changes by you :)
This vdr-xine, combined with libxine-1.2 from xine-project mercurial
(current) and nvidia driver x86_64-260.19.36 produces segfaults for
xine pretty often (every 15min to 1h, both viewing recordings and live
TV). Here a backtrace of one of them.
... never mind - it seems that my xine-ui was too old for the new
xine-lib-1.2. The same seems to have caused the vdr startup problems I
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