Since my upgrade from VDR 1.6.0 to 1.7.16 I can't view my local ITV1
region (ITV1 Mer South) on Freesat. The EPG appears normal, but there's
no picture or sound. ITV1 is OK on Freeview, as is the London version on
Freesat. The log says:
Jan 11 18:07:57 htpc vdr: [10023] switching to channel 103
Jan 11 18:07:57 htpc vdr: [10023] setstatus 0
Jan 11 18:08:06 htpc vdr: [10027] frontend 0/0 timed out while tuning to
channel+ 103, tp 110891
The channels.conf entry (which I've checked is up-to-date) is:
ITV1 Mer
I've written my scan script to substitute BSkyB as the provider instead
of Freesat because VDR was picking up the BSkyB SDT instead of Freesat's
when I was using the Freesat patch, but I'm not sure whether that's the
case with the EEPG plugin.
My VDR versions are now:
* vdr 1.7.16-1devel2 from Tobias Grimm's Debian sid repository.
* vdr-plugin-eepg 0.0.3-28yavdr1 built from yavdr's vdr-unstable deb
TH *
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