What's the status of this plugin? I have a two line LCD display which
works with xbmc, but when I tried to use the lcdproc vdr plugin VDR
won't start up..
I'm using lcdproc-0.0.10-jw7
I just get:
Aug 30 18:18:47 oac vdr: LCDproc-Plugin started at
Aug 30 18:18:47 oac vdr: [1355] setting current skin to "PearlHD"
Aug 30 18:18:47 oac vdr: [1355] loading
Aug 30 18:18:47 oac vdr: [1355] switching to channel 908
Aug 30 18:18:47 oac vdr: LCD output thread started (pid=1355), display
size: 2x20
Aug 30 18:18:47 oac vdr: [1437] receiver on device 1 thread started
(pid=1355, tid=1437)
Aug 30 18:18:47 oac vdr: [1438] TS buffer on device 1 thread started
(pid=1355, tid=1438)
Aug 30 18:18:47 oac /etc/init.d/vdr[1450]: VDR errors from /var/log/vdr.log:
Aug 30 18:18:47 oac /etc/init.d/vdr[1451]: ERROR:
/etc/vdr/plugins/live/live.pem: No such file or directory
Aug 30 18:18:47 oac /etc/init.d/vdr[1258]: ERROR: vdr failed to start
In the logs
Rob Davis
vdr mailing list