I bought nvidia g210 (with vdpau support) and would like use it as video
output device with VDR. I installed nvidia driver and mplayer plays all
videos well both with VDPAU or XV.
I never using xineliboutput plugin before, because I had DXR3 card and
it seems it's run better with DXR3 VDR plugin. So, I began from scratch.
I installed xinelib-1.2 into system and xinelibplugin into VDR. But
result dosn't look good. I have many problems, but most significant is
jerky video in few second after channel switch and in from time to time
after it. In logs, I'am getting messages like this:
video_out: throwing away image with pts 2920558 because it's too old
(diff : 5694).
video_out: throwing away image with pts 2974558 because it's too old
(diff : 6457).
video_out: throwing away image with pts 3028558 because it's too old
(diff : 7171).
200 frames delivered, 0 frames skipped, 5 frames discarded
I googled it, but nothing usefull found. I tested it on MPEG2 PAL
television station with xineliboutput both with XV and VDPAU (processor
is pentium4@xxxxxx) with same result.
So can anybody help me with my problem? Is any solution of it? How set
it up you? (I run vdr in play X server....)
Jiri Jansky
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