Wish translators worked for that site. Created an account, but have to
go through a translator site to read it and that breaks the login. Not
that the translator works very well:
"quasi as late Oster egg it gives nose fixed release of the Burn
Plugins, in which larger and smaller errors are repaired. "
On 5/12/2010 7:24 AM, Henning Pingel wrote:
Am Mittwoch, den 12.05.2010, 15:27 +0200 schrieb Rob Davis
Does anyone know where this is happening now? I know the xbmc forum was
down for a while, but this discussion never seemed to happen again
Hello Rob,
Could you please specify in what kind of PVR discussion or what kind of
information you are interested?
I could point out a few threads to you but I'm confused about what you
want and why you ask here and not on the XBMC forum?
The whole vdr-plugin-vnsiserver discussion is IMHO taking place at
www.vdr-portal.de ATM.
vdr mailing list
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