Hello all
I have used the xmltv2vdr script before and was very pleased to see that
it added the extended information into the epg database.
Now i'm using xbmc and i did not have genre support from my broadcaster
so i thought this should be possible with the xmltv2vdr script.
I have been hacking around and the result:
Could someone please review it because i'm not a programmer?
just follow the readme and look into the genres.conf file.
my xmltv source has the category option which represents the genre info.
then run:
./xmltv2vdr -c channels.conf -g -x xmltv_data -s
the output should look like this:
E 36930 1268352000 3300 0
T Miami Ink: Sink or swim
D Reportageserie Garver ontwerpt voor Cassandra een uniek gedenkteken
ter ere van haar broer die is omgekomen in Irak, en Yoji spijbelt om
samen met zijn gezin in het zwembad te ontspannen.
G 90
The G option represents the id of the genre which i took from the
epg.h/c files.
Is the maintainer still around?
With kind regards
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