In the last weeks I'm having trouble tuning to a couple of transponders
at 28.2E
The ITV 3 transponder (10906V) seems fine by day but with no signal at
The BBCHD transponder (10847V) has some uncorrected errors that cause
artefacts, both during the day and at night.
I live near Barcelona, this satellite, in spite being focused to the UK,
should be visible with a 90cm dish here, and I have a 120cm one and
everything was working fine before (I know that further south they need
bigger dishes and have problems during the night).
Nearby frequencies on other satellites seems fine to me (even if I could
only find encrypted channels, the UNC is 0).
Is anybody at the border of the satellite footprint noticing a
degradation from these transponders or should I suspect my equipment?
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