Am Tue, 2 Dec 2008 21:11:54 +0200schrieb "Antti Seppälä" <a.seppala+vdr@xxxxxxxxx>: > 2008/12/2 Gerald Dachs <vdr@xxxxxxxxxxx>:> >> > After reading your mail I have tried yesterday again to use> > xcompmgr instead of compiz for the hud osd without success. The osd> > doesn't show up. I think my configuration can't be that wrong, as> > the hud osd is shown with compiz. Any hints what I have to look for?> >> > Do you start the xcompmgr with the -n switch? Yes > Does it start correctly? I didn't find errors in logs, but I wasn't very careful searching. Icould see the process running all the time. > If I start xcompmgr without client side compositing then I'm unable to> get hud to work properly. Not sure what you mean. > Which window manager you are using together with xcompmgr? Try to make> sure that you have the Ubuntu desktop effects disabled as they will> probably interfere with the operation of xcompmgr. I don't use a windows manager, as I explained already my xinitrc isnearly empty. There is no Ubuntu desktop installed, no gdm, nothing.It sounds as if xcompmgr is no drop in replacement for compiz, I needa windows manager too? And this together will need less resources thancompiz without anything else? I have only three X11 applicationsrunning: vdr-sxfe, graphtft-fe and xbmc/mms. They are all runningfullscreen, I don't need a windows manager. This is why I want toget rid of compiz. Gerald _______________________________________________vdr mailing listvdr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://