Hi everybody, I'm pleased to announce my first plugin to the community. Fetch it here: http://vdr-portal.de/board/thread.php?threadid=54603 >From README --- %< ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Cuts one recording into several recordings using named cutting marks. The Multi-cut process and recording menu are heavily based on the original parts of vdr itself, namely the cutting thread and the recording menu. Credits go thankfully to Klaus Schmidinger. Requirements ------------ - VDR 1.4.1 Usage ----- Multi-cut: ---------- Mulit-cut splits a recording into several new recordings using named cutting marks. So by now one has to manually edit the marks.vdr file located in a recording-directory. If one adds a comment to a cut-in mark, Cut-a-Lot will take this as the name for the new recording and will go on cutting to that recording until another named cut-in mark is met. For example: We have a recording named "MTV - Greatest Hits" and a marks.vdr with the following content: 0:00:00.01 Artist A - Song 1 0:03:46.12 0:03:46.24 Artist B - Song 3 0:07:12.03 0:12:06.01 0:15:56.12 0:37:32.01 Artist C~Song 5 0:41:02.13 A - 1 B - 3 C~5 |------||------| |------| |------| Cut-a-Lot now creates three recordings named "Artist A - Song 1" which gets the content between the first two cutting marks, "Artist B - Song 3" which gets the content of the second and the third interval and a recording named "Song 5" located in a sub-directory named "Artist C". That is because the tilde (~) is treated as a directory-indicator. If no marks are named, Cut-a-Lot pretty much does the same as the ordinary VDR- cutter would do. Gap finder: ----------- Gap finder scans a recording for PTS-gaps (Presentation Timestamp-gaps) in order to refind cut out commercial breaks or positions where VDR might have crashed during a recording. These two frames are marked with two cutting marks. The PTS-threshold as a parameter defines how large a gap has to be at least in order to be marked. One PTS-tick is 1 / 90000 second. If you take 25 frames per second as the frame-rate, one frame is 1 / 25 * 90000 = 3600 PTS-ticks long. Usually there is an I-frame every 12 frames so the difference between two I-frame PTSs should be always 12 * 3600 = 43200 ticks. But never the less the difference were sometimes 43199 or 43201 in a few analyzed recordings. So I introduced the PTS-threshold. The default of 3605 ticks means the PTS-timestamp might jump one frame without being recognized. --- >% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'd be happy about critics and proposals, and bug reports of course. Now have fun trying it. DMH