Simon Baxter wrote: >>>I think you have to use: >>>mplayer -playlist >> >>Yip - that works! >> >>Thanks! > > > Any suggestions on how to set up the URL as a source? > > cat /media/video/vdr-1.4.0/plugins/mplayersources.conf > /media/video/TV;Television Programs;0;*.avi/*.mpg/*.AVI/*.MPG > /media/video/amule/Incoming/;The > Mule;0;*.avi/*.mpg/*.mpeg/*.AVI/*.MPG/*.MPEG > /media/video/archive/;Video Archive;1;*.avi/*.mpg/*.mpeg/*.AVI/*.MPG/*.MPEG > /home/vdruser/Desktop/Photos;Movies on Desktop;0;*.avi/*.mpg/*.AVI/*.MPG > /mnt/pics;Network Video;1;*.avi > /media/video/Movies;Movies;0 >;BBC Radio 2;0 > > > (last entry doesn't work) Create some directory and put a file in there that has only the line "" and the extension of your chosing (for example *.playlist). Then you have to modify your to add -playlist to mplayer command line when playing files with this extension. -- Anssi Hannula