Hi Petri! In the future, i will try and use your plugin with kanotix-vdr live-cd, because i must not patch libxine1. see http://www.pc-magazin.de/3330 (kvdr200601.iso downloaden) I use your plugin for vdr and xine, but compared to the other xine plugin (from Reinhard), which requires a patched libxine1, display's NO SIGNAL yours don't - just black, thats not that good. When someone just sees a black screen, it is not so good, maybe use a different image for radio stations. One other thing would be cool: multiple clients to watch different tv stations - of course on same transponder or with more than one DVB card. Is that possibe or only using streamdev-client/server on a full VDR install? The last thing i found: the Xine-Lib option allows to playback a movie only when used with localhost - it did not stream over net here. Also the picture viewer did not work at all. bye Horst -- Echte DSL-Flatrate dauerhaft f?r 0,- Euro*! "Feel free" mit GMX DSL! http://www.gmx.net/de/go/dsl