Unfortunately I forgot some debug code in vdr-skinsoppalusikka-0.3.0 and therefore it won't show correct VPS times in channel info window. This has been fixed in 0.4.0 that can be downloaded here: skinsoppalusikka: http://www.saunalahti.fi/~rahrenbe/vdr/soppalusikka/ 2006-04-23: Version 0.4.0 - Fixed VPS event times in channel info (Thanks to Frank Kr?mmelbein for reporting this one). - Added new setup option to show/hide VPS time in channel info. - Modified coordinates in channel info window. - Added STRIP option for Makefile (Thanks to Ville Skytt?). - Modified APIVERSION code in Makefile. There has been also minor Makefile updates mainly for rpmbuild in femon and rssreader plugins and their version numbers have been incremented once more: femon: http://www.saunalahti.fi/~rahrenbe/vdr/femon/ 2006-04-23: Version 0.9.10 - Added STRIP option for Makefile (Thanks to Ville Skytt?). - Modified APIVERSION code in Makefile. rssreader: http://www.saunalahti.fi/~rahrenbe/vdr/rssreader/ 2006-04-23: Version 0.3.0 - Added STRIP option for Makefile (Thanks to Ville Skytt?). - Modified APIVERSION code in Makefile. BR, -- rofa