Marko M?kel? wrote: > The number buttons on my RCU carry auxiliary labels "ABC", "DEF", etc. These > buttons work somewhat when editing the names of recordings. I can always get > the first letter of the label, e.g., "a", "d", "g", "j", "m", and so on. > However, when I press the same button again, VDR will usually interpret it > as a "cursor right" event. Key-repeat events are ignored. > > For instance, when I start editing the string "Euronews" by pressing the Right > button in the "Edit timer" menu, it will display as follows: > > Right-> > [E]uronews > 2-> > [A]uronews > 2-> > Au[a]onews > > If I keep a longer pause between the two keypresses of the button "2", > the string will change to "Aaronews". > > While testing this, I once got the correct behaviour: > [A]uronews -> [B]uronews -> [C]uronews. Could the code forget to initialize > some variable properly? Am I the only one who is experiencing this? > > In case it matters, I'm using LC_CTYPE=fi_FI.iso-8859-1, and the remote control > unit is driven by the <linux/input.h> driver of cx88-input.c. The key-press > and key-repeat events are delivered by the vdr-softdevice plugin, which gets > them via the linuxinput driver of DirectFB. Key-release events are not > delivered. I just tested with my RCU here and everything worked fine. Maybe it's a problem with the <linux/input.h> driver or the vdr-softdevice plugin? Klaus