On Wed, Apr 05, 2006 at 09:29:49AM +0200, Patrick Fischer wrote: > >is there someting special to do in order to have visible OSD with xine > >launched with opengl ? > Just load the xine-ui with > xine -V opengl .... Yes, that exactly what I did... > for me it works now fine. So you are lucky :-) for me it only works with "X11 overlay" (all other modes don't shows anything). > take a look here: > http://www.vdr-portal.de/board/thread.php?postid=447770 I don't see any usefull information at this place ? But the way,with xshm, xv and xxmc I have OSD, but with opengl and xvmc I can't ??? Thank, -- Gr?goire FAVRE http://gregoire.favre.googlepages.com