Hi Klaus, this change would also affect epgsearch and its 'search timers'. Since I don't use event ids, the changes would be small. But there is one thing, that will be lost with it: Timers created by epgsearch have additional information at the bottom of the description, like the channel from which the recording will be done or the search timer that was responsible for the timer. I think, VDRAdmin works the same way. After the recording is done this info was available til now in the recordings description. If I understood you right, this info should now be moved to the 'aux' field. Do you plan any way, to display the 'aux' value for timers and recordings in VDR's OSD? BTW: if this change becomes true, it would be nice to have a pre-Patch to give the people, that are concerned with it, some time to prepare their stuff. I think some scripts/plugins will need heavy changes ;-) Christian